JiTI86 has been renamed to DIOTA Please visit the website of DIOTA.

Goal of JiTI86

JiTI86 is a novel method for instrumenting binaries. The technique correctly deals with programs that contain traditionally hard to instrument features such as data in code and code in data. The technique does not require reverse engineering, program understanding tools or heuristics about the compiler or linker used. The basic idea is that instrumented code is generated on the fly, while the original process is used for data accesses. JiTI86 comes with a number of useful backends to check programs for faulty memory accesses, data races, deadlocks,... and perform basic tracing operations, e.g. tracing all memory accesses, all code being executed, to perform coverage analysis, ... JiTI86 has been completely implemented for the IA32 architecture as a dynamic loadable library that can be attached to arbitrary Linux programs. At this moment, JiTI86 can instrument: -all memory operations in the statically linked part of the executable -calls of dynamic linked procedures (e.g. malloc(), printf(), ...)


The only prerequisite is a fairly recent binutils package (binutils- is OK).

How it works

The modules are attached to applications using the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. Source SO/alias (cd SO; . alias) in order to set a number of aliases that change the LD_PRELOAD variable for you. Normally, JiTI attaches itself to all programs, even `ls`, `cat`, ... In order to limit the number of trace files generated, JiTI releases itself from programs that are not started in their own directory. E.g. in order to trace `ls`, you should copy it to a directory where you have write access and execute `ls` using `./ls`. For more information about the internal working of JiTI86, we refer to
Ronsse, M.; De Bosschere, K. JiTI: A Robust Just in Time Instrumentation Technique Proceedings of Workshop on Binary Translation - 2000 Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 43-54, Computer Architecture News March, 2001. ACM Press, Philadelphia
a paper on JiTI for the SPARC processor. Although the Intel instruction set bares no resemblance whatsoever with a clean RISC instruction set, comparable instrumentation techniques are used. Contact me for a copy of the paper.

Available backends

In order to show the usefulness of JiTI86, JiTI86 is accompanied by a number of backends: -a module that traces all memory operations -a module that traces all executed code -a module that detects all kinds of memory errors -a coverage analysis tool -... backends/bandwidth.c is a sample backend. scripts contains some interesting script that perform some processing of log files that contain information about the executed code. show_source uses debug information in the executable to transform the list of executed assembly instructions in a list of executed C instructions. profile_code shows, for each C line, the number of times it has been executed.

Download & install

You can download the latest version here. Installation is quite easy: just type make. A sample session showing the compilation and usage of JiTI86.

The Future

In the (near) future, the following features will be added to JiTI86:
  1. the possibility to intercept calls of statically linked code (at this moment JiTI86 only intercepts calls to dynamically linked code).
  2. ...

Contact information

The authors of JiTI86 can be reached as follows:

The freshmeat entry.