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Jan Vanfleteren

Prof. Dr. ir. Jan Vanfleteren
CMST Affiliated with IMEC vzw
Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 126
B-9052 Gent, Belgium
tel : +32-9-264.53.60
fax : +32-9-264.35.94
Jan Vanfleteren was born in Kortrijk (Belgium) on April 5,
1958. He obtained his degree in Electronics Engineering from the
University of Gent in 1981, and his Ph.D from the same University
in 1987. From 1982 on, he works at the Laboratory of Electronics
of the University of Gent, where he was involved in research on
Thin Film Transistors and Flat Panel Displays.
From 1993 on he was involved in research on advanced packaging
and interconnection technologies, and especially flip-chip
technologies using adhesives. From that time on he focuses on
electronics and microsystems assembly, packaging and interconnection, using flex
substrates (polyimide, cheap plastic materials like polyester, PES, PVC).
From 1994 on he works for
IMEC, the
Interuniversity Micro Electronics Centre, with headquarters in Leuven, as a
project manager. He is actually involved in several European Commission funded
projects. He has been the the co-ordinator of the EC-FP5-Growth
funded project
IMECAT and of the
FP6 IST Integrated Project (IP)
("Smart High Integration Flex Technologies").
Recent research interests include the development and application of
stretchable (elastic as well as (thermo)plastic) circuit technologies, based on
standard PCB circuit and assembly, as well as on thin-film metal
interconnections. Also PDMS and rigid polymers based microfluidics for biology
and (bio)medical application is a recent field of resarch.
From October 1, 2004, he was appointed as part time Professor at the University
of Gent. He is (co-)author of over 200 scientific papers in international
journals and conference records and holder of 14 patents / patent applications.
For a complete detailed list we refer to the following Researcher-ID URL: J. Vanfleteren’s scientific
track record is also publically available from Google Scholar :
In his spare time he likes to play music : he is active both
as lead tenor saxophone player and as secretary of
Big Band
"The Mellvids"