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Nadine Carchon

Nadine Carchon
ir. Nadine Carchon
Affiliated with IMEC vzw
Technologiepark - Zwijnaarde 126
B-9052 Gent, Belgium
tel : +32-9-264.53.71
fax : +32-9-264.35.94


Nadine Carchon graduated in electronic engineering at the University of Ghent in 1993. The first topic she was involved in (from 1993 until 1996), was the processing of thin-film active matrices, using CdSe as the semiconductor material for the transistors. After that (from 1996 until 2001) she was working on reflective displays, more specifically on back-end processing issues for reflective microdisplays. From 2002 until 2004 her research turned into developing a redistribution technology based on the use of photoimageable dielectric for the FlicsII-project. Nowadays as cleanroom fab manager she is responsible for cleanroom daily operation and all safety related issues.